I hope you are enjoying the summer season, and the happiness, peace and health it brings to you and all your loved ones! This year we celebrated 40 years of service in our American Indian/Alaska Native community. Our Board and past leadership have worked hard to lay the foundation of our clinic. When times of decreased funding plagued our programs, we always found a way to keep our doors open. Through the support and commitment of our board, we are effective in delivering care within our health system. Board Chair, Betty Gress, a talented and prominent voice in the community, has been the strength of Denver Indian Health and Family Services (DIHFS) for many years. At our Open House celebration in April, we dedicated the clinic to Betty, in her honor. You will see her recognition as you enter through the clinic doors.
Betty is enrolled in the Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota. Her wonderful husband, Marcus, her two beautiful daughters, Tanya and Brandy, and her grandchildren, are her greatest joys. Betty has dedicated her time to our organization for over 30 years. She has always advocated for a sustainable community clinic. We will continue to honor her vision through commitment to customer services, quality improvement, and strong partnerships within our community. Thank you Betty for your years of service! Comments are closed.
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November 2022