Our goal at Denver Indian Health and Family Services (DIHFS) is to promote sustainable, healthy lifestyles so our clients can continue these practices after their clinic or personal training visit. Beginning this month, our patients and clients will have the opportunity to purchase Denver Recreation Center day passes for 50% off! Ask our Front Desk team how to get a pass and get active all over the Denver metro area, especially at Rude Rec Center, which is just a few short steps from our front door. Purchasing a pass will allow entry into any Denver Recreation Center for one day only.
When taking a new medication, you may have noticed a warning stating “avoid grapefruit juice” or “do not take with dairy products” but what exactly does that mean? Some medications interact with different foods that may alter how they work inside our bodies which may lead to the prescribed drug not working in the way it was intended.
One main goal of the DIHFS dental team is to prevent tooth loss. We work hard for our patients to provide education and information on the ways to prevent the need for dental extractions. A new trend contributing to tooth loss is exploding e-cigarette batteries.
As more American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) live into their 70s, 80s, and beyond, younger
generations have more time to learn from and receive traditions from older generations. Advanced age, though, increases risk for Alzheimer’s and other dementias. When memory and thinking problems interfere with daily life, the impact of dementia spreads across generations. |
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January 2025