We are fast-approaching the end of the year, and the behavioral health staff at DIHFS wanted to share a few tips for those who are planning to set some resolutions to launch themselves into the new year.
It is Halloween time… time for the ghosts and goblins to come out and play! It’s also time for the oral bacteria in your mouth to come out and play and wreck some havoc on your teeth. When the bacteria eat the sugar and leftover food in your mouth, a weak acid is produced. That acid can contribute to cavities. The good news is that eating Halloween candy is a splurge that is dentist-approved if you’re brushing twice a day and flossing once a day all year long.
Everyone make sure to get ready as we will be participating again at the 9Health Fair on Saturday, 11/17/18, at the Denver Indian Center (4407 Morrison Rd. Denver, CO 80219). The fair offers our patients and our community a chance to engage with our clinic, community agencies, and other clinics/providers to obtain free/lower-cost screenings.
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November 2022